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Luis Fernando Madrid Lopez

Luis Fernando Madrid López, was born in the city of Bogotá in September

In the middle of his studies as a bachelor, he approaches the David Manzur

Academy of Arts where he begins to discover his technique and the taste for

capturing part of the pain and criticism in his paintings.

The Taller 5 Design Center to pursue his university career in Graphic Design,

never leaving behind painting and sculpture as part of his life, to During these

dates he participated in several individual and collective exhibitions organized by

the Arte 19 gallery and other galleries in the city.

Being a participant as a designer, production assistant and production manager in

different advertising agencies and publishers.

In 2005 and with the need to feel more complete spiritually, he decides to resume

his life project regarding the plastic arts and resumes his career making a variety of

works generally on non-conventional materials such as wooden planks.

The artist and his family moved to the city of Cartago in Colombia, that encounter

with his roots increased his creative capacity and desire to paint.

Currently, Luis Fernando develops his work permanently, demonstrating his

creativity and wide spectrum, he is not pigeonholed in a theme or a specific

technique, on the contrary, he rediscovers new materials and modifies his own


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